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The library subscribes to databases that are available to all members of the KTU community. The databases are listed below in alphabetical order. In this section you will also find Catalogue, KTU Virtual library, Study modules literature search, eLABa, etc.

Subscription databases cannot be accessed from home via VPN. Information on accessing databases from home

Databases and descriptions according to the alphabet


Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) – offers the combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, women’s studies, zoology and more. 

AccessEngineering – an engineering reference tool for professionals, academics, and students that provides access to the collection of authoritative, regularly updated engineering reference information. Access Engineering also comprises dynamic online features, such as instructional, faculty made videos, calculators, interactive tables and charts. More.

ACM Digital Library – the ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books covering the field of computer science.

ACS (American Chemistry Society) – ACS provides access to peer-reviewed journals covering various fields of chemistry science. List of Journals

AIP: American Institute of Physics – access provided to subscribed peer-reviewed journals published by American Institutes of Physics. Journal list is here (link to PDF file).

Annual Reviews –  research journals in  physical, technological, economic, social sciences. Journal list is here (link to PDF file). List of Archive Journals: Annual Reviews Sciences Electronic Back Volume Collection.

APS – American Physical Society – collection of leading peer-reviewed research journals in physics.


Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO) – offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world. 


Cambridge Journals Online (archive) – provides full text for archive of journals published by Cambridge University Press. Includes titles in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Full text access to journals published from 2003 to 2006. List of STM Archive Journals package. List of HSS Archive Journals package

Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO) – database contains an extensive collection of magazines in the field of social communication and mass media as well as other related fields. The database includes cover-to-cover indexes and summaries of all articles from over 600 journals as well as thematically selected content from a further 170 journals. Moreover, the database contains the full text of over 400 scientific journals. Subject covered: communication, mass media, linguistics, discourse, rhetoric, sociolinguistics, communication theory, language, logic, organizational communication, and other closely related fields of study.


eBook Academic Collection  (EBSCO) contains a large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that students and scholars will have access to information relevant to their research needs. This collection includes 200,000+ titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons. All titles are available with unlimited user access. Subject coverage includes: art, business and economics, education, language arts and discipline, literary criticism, medical, performing arts, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, social science, technology and engineering, other academic fields.

eBook Collection (EBSCO) – all eBooks available to library can be accessed in eBook Collection database. Currently patrons of Kaunas University of Technology can access in eBook Collection database all eBooks from eBook Academic Subscription Collection, EBSCO eBook Open Access Collection and MasterFile Reference eBook Collection, which is available in National Deal.

List of eBooks purchased for permanent access available through EBSCO eBook Collection. These e-books can only be read by one user at the same time.

The short video tutorials presenting EBSCO eBooks:
Searching EBSCO eBooks
Reading EBSCO eBooks
Downloading EBSCO eBooks

eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCO) is a multidisciplinary collection of eBooks, created in cooperation with university presses and scholarly publishers in Open Access model. The collection offers access to 2,500+ titles on various topics, without DRM (digital rights management).

The Economist – e. journal. Access is provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Library.

Emerald Premier eJournals Collection – peer-reviewed journals with full text articles in social science and engineering. Journal list.  Emerald Backfiles archive.

EndNote Online – a tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references.

ERIC (EBSCO) – an authoritative database of indexed and full-text educational literature and resources.

Essential Science Indicators (Clarivate Analytics) – database allows users to conduct on-going, quantitative analyses of research performance and trends in science. Possibility to rank top scientists, institutions, countries, and journals in various specific fields of research based on journal article publication counts and citation data.

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 (EBSCO) – bibliographical database containing more than 32,000 entries of documents covering the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples.


GreenFILE  (EBSCO Publishing) – database indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.


Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCO) – a full-text database covering a wide variety health topics, like fitness, nutrition, diabetes, aging, women’s health, children’s health and more.

Health Source – Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO) – a full-text database that offers a trusted source of nursing and allied health literature. It covers topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.


IEEE Xplore – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) published journals, conference proceedings, standards and other publications since 1988. and single releases from 1950 Topics: electrical, electronics, engineering, technology, and so on.

IMF eLIBRARY International Monetary Fund (IMF) – an easy-to-use portal to a comprehensive archive of IMF research and data. Topics: business and economy, education, law, medicine, nature, political science, social science, technology and engineering. IMF eLibrary has publications, reports, and working papers.

IOP Science – a database published by Institute of Physics providing a full-text articles from peer-reviewed journals in physics, mathematics and related disciplines. Journal list is here (link to PDF file). List of IOP Publishing Archive Collection 1874–1999.

InCites (Clarivate Analytics) – it is a customized web-based research evaluation tool allowing users to view research output performance at an organizational, regional, individual or journal level. Academics can conduct analyses on their productivity and benchmark their research output against peers worldwide. 


John Benjamins Jonn‘s Benjamin‘s Publishing Company ebooks in translation. List of subscribed books.

Journal Citation Reports – Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is the official source to find a journal’s impact factor. Database provides data about more than 8000 journals of science and over 2600 journals of social sciences.

Journal of English-Medium instructionis an e-journal covering applied linguistics and higher education pedagogy and didactics. Provides a broad understanding of English language teaching while distinguishing it from other pedagogical approaches.

Journal of Structural Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineering) – journals by ASCE covering various fields in engineering. Learn about how the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE is leading the profession with innovative approaches to practice and education.

JSTOR – the JSTOR archival collections feature the back issues of more than 600 scholarly journals across 60 disciplines. JSTOR works with a diverse group of nearly 1,200 publishers from more than 57 countries to preserve and make their content digitally available. You will find more information here.


KTU publishing house “Technologija“ – ebooks published by Kaunas University of Technology publishing house „Technologija“. Database covers various disciplines including science, social sciences, physics, chemistry and more. 


Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) – database provides cover-to-cover indexing, abstracting and full-text for key library and information science periodicals.

LSB standards
Library subscribes electronic standards prepared by Lithuanian Standards Board (Lithuanian standards, European and international standards adopted in Lithuania). Information about e-standards is renewed monthly. Standards are accessible in Virtual library and Catalogue.


MasterFILE Premier (EBSCO) – provides full text for over 1,800 general interest, business, consumer health, general science, and multicultural periodicals. In addition, this database offers indexing and abstracts for over 2,500 periodicals.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection (EBSCO) – this ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects. Topics include biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel.

MEDLINE (EBSCO) – an authoritative bibliographic database containing citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development.

Morgan and Claypool Synthesis Digital Library 8 Collection, which consists of ebooks covering automatics, computer science, communications, artificial intelligence, data management and other topics. Ebooks are available in IEEE Xplore Digital library. All titles of the collection is here.


Nature – access to subscribed, high-quality journals, published on weekly basis in physics and technology (access to journals since 2016). 

Newspaper Source (EBSCO) – this database provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks.


OECD iLibrary – Online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data. Themes: economics, finance, trade, agriculture, energy, transport, education, environment, management, etc. (Currently this database is not subscribed, not all content is accessible).

OpenDissertations (EBSCO) an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions.

Oxford Journals Collection – collection includes prestigious journals across six subject collections: Medicine, Life Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, and Law. List of journals.


Passport – market research reports about various consumer products and industries worldwide from Euromonitor International. Includes economic indicators, demographic data, foreign trade statistics, and sources of information. More information about Passport.

Pearson eBooks Collections – e-book collections for various scientific fields. List of books. Instructions for accessing the database. Access to collections:

  1. Accounting
  2. Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology
  3. Computer science & Programming collection
  4. Decision Science
  5. Economics
  6. Engineering
  7. Finances
  8. Marketing
  9. Math
  10. OB and Management
  11. Physics
  12. Psychology

The contact person for purchasing or accessing textbooks from Pearson and other publishers is Alina Andriuškevičienė, email:

ProQuest Ebook Central (Academic Complete) – offers more than 200 000 authoritative e-books in a wide range of subject areas, like social sciences, humanities, medicine, science and more.


Regional Business News (EBSCO) – full text newswire database that incorporates business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

Reaxys is a unique chemistry database that contains extracted data and information about chemical compounds and their associated physicochemical properties, reaction and synthesis information, commercial availability, use, extraction from natural products, as well as bibliographic data that can be browsed and displayed through a functional interface. 

Unique features of the Reaxys:

  • The largest literature coverage in the field of chemical and related sciences (Life Science) with 16,000 journals
  • Full patent coverage – 105 patent offices in 170 patent classes
  • An unprecedented amount of extracted experimental physico-chemical properties of chemical substances
  • The world’s largest database of biological activity of chemical substances (44M measurement points)
  • Category-leading retrosynthetic system with the ability to predict never-before-seen reactions based on AI and machine learning system developed in collaboration with with OpenAI
  • Two structure editors to choose from, MarvinJS and ChemDrawJS
  • Commercial suppliers of starting materials – Reaxys Commercial Substances provides up-to-date information on the commercial availability and prices of commercial substances – data from over 400 suppliers, which can be easily found thanks to the clear interface and many filters. 

RefWorks – a tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references.

REHVA guidebooks. REHVA is an organization representing more than 120 000 designers, construction engineers, technicians and experts in 27 European countries. The association seeks to improve health, comfort and energy usage effectiveness in all buildings and communities, facilitate the exchange of knowledge, support EU politics and development at a national level. The library purchased these REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations) guidebooks:

  • Active and Passive Beam Application Design Guide
  • Chilled beam application guidebook
  • Computational fluid dynamics in ventilation design
  • Displacement ventilation
  • Energy efficiency in historic buildings
  • Energy Efficient Renovation of Existing Buildings for HVAC Professionals
  • Fire safety in buildings
  • HVAC Commissioning Process
  • Indoor climate and productivity in offices
  • Introduction to Building Automation, Controls and Technical Building Management
  • Mixing ventilation
  • Resilient Cooling Design Guidelines
  • Solar shading

The REHVA guidebooks can be accessed through the virtual library by logging in with a single KTU login.

RSC Gold excluding Archive – database contains the full-text of the Royal Society of Chemistry publishes peer-reviewed journals.


SAGE Journals Online – full-text journals by the SAGE Publications covering topics in business, humanities and social sciences. List of journals

SAGE IMechE journals – cover all aspects of mechanical engineering. Each of the other 18 journals, including the 16 proceedings of the IMechE, is focused on particular area of engineering to offer a greater depth of coverage in mechanical engineering. List of journals.

SAGE Business Cases – a database covering a wide range of business areas such as leadership, entrepreneurship, family business, etc. This resource is accompanied by instructor-only teaching notes with suggested teaching strategies, target audience, and possible responses to discussion questions that can help facilitate classroom discussion. How to get access to Teaching Notes click here. The contact person is Alina Andriuškevičienė, email:

SAGE Research Methods – is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The site is designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research. List of books.

Science (archive) – multidisciplinary full-text archive. On the main page of the website select Archive, access granted to journals published in 1880-1996.

ScienceDirect Journals – database contains the full-text of Elsevier Science journals in fields of Science and Social Sciences. Full-text access is available back to 2012. List of journals. Students and staff of KTU are invited to use email confirmation remote access to ScienceDirect database. More.

ScienceDirect E-Books – full ebooks collection covering various fields in Science and Social Sciences. Students and staff of KTU are invited to use email confirmation remote access to ScienceDirect database. More

SciFinder-n – theme: chemical science. It is advanced search engine that improve the meaningfulness of each search for structures, reactions or references. Using algorithms, the engine is built to take into account specific parameters and context of a search to produce more precise results. Access to PatentPak, MethodsNow, Retrosynthesis planning, etc. also included. More information here.
When new users login with this address from KTU computers network they have to create account according to the following instruction.

Useful links:

Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings delivering a comprehensive overview of the world’s research output, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

SPIE Digital Library – the database provides access to peer-reviewed journals and proceedings, e-books, monographs, reference works, field guides, and tutorial texts in fields of Astronomy, Biomedical Optics & Medical Imaging, Communication & Information Technologies, Defence & Security, Electronic Imaging & Signal Processing, Energy, Lasers, Light Sources & Illumination, Lithograpfy & Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Optics, Remote Sensing, Sensors. List of journals.

Springer LINK E-Books – access provided to Business & Management, Economics & Finance, Chemistry & Materials Science, Computer Science, Engineering  e-book collections.  List of e-books. Also permanent access provided to e-book collections Chemistry & Material Science Library and Engineering Library. Both collections consists of the books published between 2005 and 2007. These e-books are available in the library catalogue.

Springer LINK Journals – peer-reviewed journals published by Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press. Database covers topics in various disciplines. List of journals.


Target. International Journal of Translation Studies – scholarly journal published by John Benjamins. Full-text access is available to journal published from 2017.

Taylor & Francis – peer-reviewed journals in various fields of Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Access provided to issues published back to 1997. List of journals.

Taylor & Francis eBooks – permanent access to ebooks published by Routledge that are covering topics in Social Sciences and Humanities. List of books

Taylor&Francis eBooks ENGnetBASE Collectiona collection of e-books for various fields of engineering. List of books

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCO) – teacher Reference Center provides indexing, abstracts, citations, and full-text for nearly 300 periodicals. In addition, most of the journals indexed in the database are peer-reviewed.


VILNIUS TECH e-Books – 120 e-books in various disciplines, published by VILNIUS TECH University. List of books


Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) – the database provides bibliographic content and tools to access, analyze, and manage research information. Subject coverage includes sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.

Wiley Online eBooks – online books by Wiley covering topics in Finances, Engineering, Physics, Computers Sciences, Chemistry and more. List of books.

Wiley Online Library  – full-text journals (list of journals). Archive of peer-reviewed journals (list of 483 titles) published by Wiley. Access available to Social Science and Humanities collection (list of 370 titles), Science Technology Medicine (list of  417 titles) published before 2013.

World fertilizer magazine – access is provided by the Chemical Technology Library.


Zentralblatt MATH – database of indexed information in theoretical and applied mathematics.