2024 11 27 |
The library information system ALMA (Ex Libris, Israel) was installed. |
2024 12 |
The Social Sciences and Humanities Library’s room 206 is renovated and an event space is created. |
2023 02 03 |
100th anniversary event of the Lithuanian University Library at the Aula |
2022 10 15 |
The library of the Faculty of Informatics is closed. |
2022 03 18 |
The new University Campus Library is opened (in the premises of the Library of the Faculty of Civil Engineering). |
2021 |
The Central Library is renamed the Social Sciences and Humanities Library. |
2021 |
Library director Gintarė Tautkevičienė received the nomination of the best library director in Lithuania in 2020. |
2019 |
National coordinator of the Research Data Alliance (RDA). |
February 16, 2018 |
The Library hosts activities celebrating the Centennial of the restored Independence of Lithuania “Yellow, Green and Red”. |
2017 |
The conference “OpenCon 2017 Lithuania: open science data and open science” took place. |
2017 |
The reading room of the Mechanical Engineering and Design Faculty is renovated. |
2016 |
A conference on “Academic Libraries and Open Science” is held. |
Since 2015 |
KTU PDB records of Lithuanian research and study e-documents made available at the Lithuanian Electronic Library eLABa. |
2015 |
Research information services department was established, the Cataloging department was reorganized to the Cataloging Group and merged with the Acquisition Department. |
2014 |
The libraries of the Faculties of Mechanics and Mechatronics and Design Technology are combined. |
2014 |
A new position was established – subject librarians. |
2013 |
Dr Gintarė Tautkevičienė has been elected Chairperson of the Working Group on Open Access to Scientific Information and Research at the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO. |
2013 |
The project on the renewal and development of the Library in line with the Resolution on the renewal of the Research and Study under University’s Renovation Programme for 2013–2014 No. V7-T-6 approved by the Council of Kaunas University of Technology on 28 March 2013 and the Resolution No. V-3-S42 of the Senate of the 4 July 2013. |
2010 |
Dr. Gintarė Tautkevičienė (Head of the Information Services) was awarded the prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for her scientific research and practical activities in the field of librarianship, bibliography and book studies. |
2009–2011 |
The premises of the Library of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (currently Library of the Faculty of Civil Engineering) were renovated, as well as the Library’s website; the open stack was developed and the security system implemented. |
2009 |
The premises of the Library of Faculty of first floor at the Central Library were renovated and the closed stack of the Rare Books Department was modernized. |
2008 |
Database Electronic Academic Library of Lithuania (eLABa) went into operation. |
2008 |
Genė Duobinienė (Director of the Library) was awarded the Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for her scientific research and practical activities in the field of librarianship, bibliography, bibliography and book studies. |
2007 |
Dr Gintarė Tautkevičienė became EIFL Open Access coordinator in Lithuania. |
2007 |
Dr Nijolė Lietuvninkaitė (Head of the Rare Books Department) has been awarded the Martynas Mažvydas Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for her contribution to the language of the Lithuanian state, the history of writing and the art of books. |
2006 |
The library at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was renovated: its Lending and Reading Rooms were incorporated into one space, open-access shelves were arranged, computer-equipped workplaces provided, and the security system 3M was installed.
The Library of the Faculty of Design and Technologies underwent renovation: its Reading Room was provided with open-access and computer-equipped workplaces. |
2005 |
The library of Panevežys Institute was moved to the new premises, its Reading Room was provided with open access and computer-equipped workplaces. |
2004–2005 |
The library of the Faculty of Chemical Technology was renovated and the Internet Reading Room was opened. |
2004 |
The new database Elektroninės tezės ir disertacijos (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) went into operation. |
2002 |
The library of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was moved to the new premises in Kęstučio Street, its Reading Room was provided with open access and computer-equipped work places. |
2001–2004 |
The premises of the Central Library (1st floor) were renovated, a contemporary Reading Hall was opened. |
1999 |
In accordance with the project of the Lithuanian Academic Library Network (LABT), the integrated library information system ALEPH 500 (Ex Libris, Israel) was installed. |
1998 |
Dr Nijolė Lietuvninkaitė (Head of the Rare Books Department) was awarded the prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for her scientific and practical activities in the field of book studies, bibliography and library science. |
1996 |
Since 1996, the search for information in the global databases is available at KTU Library. |
1995–1999 |
An integrated library information system CICERO (DANTEK, Denmark) was functioning at the Library. In 1997, the circulation module was implemented at the Central Library. |
1993 |
Since 1993 the database Publikacijos (Publications) covering the scientific publications by the University staff has been used.
The Central European conference-exhibition on Information Science and academic libraries Information Users in the 21st Century was held at the Lithuanian Technical Library. The Library of the University was one of the organizers of that event. |
1990 |
Since 1990, the Library has been known as the Library of Kaunas University of Technology. |
1987 |
Prenumerata – a computer program for subscription to periodicals was installed. |
1984 |
A branch library was set up in the new premises of the Faculty of Design and Technologies (currently the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design). |
1978 |
The Rare Books Department was founded. |
1974–1989 |
The Library was known as the Library of Kaunas Antanas Sniečkus Polytechnic Institute. |
1969 |
A library branch was set up at the Radioelectronics Faculty (currently the Faculty of Informatics). |
1965 |
A lending department was founded at the Machine Building Faculty (currently Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design). |
1963 |
A library branch was founded at Panevėžys Faculty (currently Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business). |
1962–1997 |
The Library had its branch at Šiauliai Faculty. It was handed over to Šiauliai University. |
1961–1991 |
The Library had its branch at Klaipėda Faculty. Later, it was handed over to Klaipėda University. |
1956–1969 |
The Library had its branch at Vilnius Faculty. Later, it was handed over to Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute (currently Vilnius Gediminas Technical University). |
1953 |
A library branch was opened at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. |
1951–1974 |
The Library was known as the Library of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. |
1950 |
The University was reorganized into two separate institutions – Polytechnic and Medical Institutes. The Library’s premises and majority of the books and periodicals came into possession of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. |
1946–1950 |
The Library was known as the Library of Kaunas State University. |
1944 |
The University and the Library resumed their activities. |
1943 |
Nazi invaders closed the University and took over the Library’s premises. |
1940 |
The Library had its branch libraries opened at the Faculties of Medicine (until 1950), Philology (until 1948), and Technology (currently the Faculty of Chemical Technology). |
1937 |
The Library joined the international interlibrary loan service system. |
1934–1941 |
J. Tumas-Vaižgantas Museum was open to the visitors at the Library. |
1930–1946 |
The Library was known as the Library of Vytautas Magnus University. |
1929 |
The Library was moved to the Main Building (currently Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities). |
1 January 1923 |
The Library of the University of Lithuania was founded. |