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Research Data Management


Research data alliance expands its activities in Lithuania

Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a worldwide organization established in 2013 by the European Commission, the United States Government’s National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation. The mission of this community-driven organization is to build the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing and reuse of data. The fast growing international coordination and collaboration initiative has significant input in the creation of the European Open Science Cloud – EOSC.


European Open Science Cloud is a research infrastructure offering professionals in science and technology a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and reuse of research data. The European Open Science Cloud portal was presented on 23 November 2018 in Austria; it unifies the fragmented research ecosystem and encourages the application of research data principles (FAIR Data Principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This environment integrates all the elements of research communication process ranging from peer-review of research, publicising and publication of research results and provides a digital format and user-friendly environment.

We are proud that our University has become one of the institutions which support the activities of the Research Data Alliance. The coordination of the activities of the national Research Data Alliance is based on collaboration among the experts from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Kaunas University of Technology, Vilnius University, the international organization Electronic Information for Libraries – EIFL. The activities of this expert group are targeted on the promotion of research data management in Lithuania, aiming to adapt and implement the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance, improve the legal framework and infrastructure for research, disseminate the advanced research data practise in Lithuania. The work of the expert group is coordinated by the head of the Research Information Department dr Ieva Cesevičiūtė from Kaunas University of Technology.

The research infrastructure development and Open Science promotion activities are not new to our University. From 2009, Kaunas University of Technology is a partner of EC research infrastructure project OpenAIRE. In June, the University has signed OpenAIRE contract and become a part of the European research infrastructure and the European Open Science Cloud. It is gratifying that many years of experience in OpenAIRE project as a national coordinator and input to Open Science activities by assoc. prof. Gintarė Tautkevičienė have been acknowledged and she has become a member of the expert group analysing the sustainability possibilities of the European Open Science Cloud.


Events and Resources

A series of workshop Series have been organised by staff at McGill University, Digital Research Services Hub. This workshop series aims to upskill researchers with both theoretical and practical knowledge in data anonymization and de-identification of sensitive data to promote and facilitate data deposit and data sharing best practices.

Here you will find the recordings of this seminar, presentations in English and French.

On the 5th of March, 2020 in the conference room at the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology a seminar on research data management was organized. The aim of the session was to help decide on the benefit of adopting the 23 Things – a resource on research data management developed by the Research Data Alliance – in the Lithuanian context. Dr Mijke Jetten from Radboud University (the Netherlands) led the session. The target groups of this seminar researchers, research administrators and representatives of academic libraries.

Seminar slides

A practical seminar on open data and open data management was organised at the Central Library of Kaunas University of Technology on 3 April 2019. Target group: PhD students and young researchers.

Speakers – experts of the Open Science, team members of the project FOSTER Gwen Franck (EIFL) and Helene Brinken (University of Gottingen) (

A practical seminar “Open Science Trainer Bootcamp” took place at the Central Library of Kaunas University of Technology on 2 April 2019. .Speakers – experts of the Open Science, team members of the project FOSTER Gwen Franck (EIFL) and Helene Brinken (University of Gottingen) ( Seminar program and material are available here.

The Library’s practical training for PhD students took place on 14-15 February 2019. Training program

A practical data management seminar „Practising FAIR and Open Data Management” for PhD students and leading researchers was held by the representatives of “Data Archiving and Networked Services” (DANS) organization Elly Dijk and dr. Marjan Grootveld on 19-20 April 2018. The seminar was organised as one of the activities of the project OpenAIRE2020. Event language – English.

The conference “OpenCon” 2017 Lithuania: Open Research Data and Open Science took place on 23 October 2017 (the conference was held during the International Open Access Week). Video recording and slides:

Conference language – Lithuanian