The Library staff presented the citizen science projects developed by KTU

Important | 2023-05-11

KTU Library Director Gintarė Tautkevičienė and Project Specialist Aistė Pranckutė participated in the international HEIDI and LibOCS events in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 10-11 May, with the aim to share their experiences of citizen engagement initiatives in university libraries and to discuss the LibOCS project activities. Participants shared practical experiences in engaging the community in citizen science activities, discussed the challenges in engaging and retaining the community, presented the strengths and weaknesses of ongoing citizen science projects, identifying threats and opportunities.

The library team, together with the Erasmus+ project LibOCS (“University Libraries Strengthening the Connection between Academia and Society through Citizen Science in the Baltic States”) partners, shared the project’s results and planned activities. The KTU team has not only presented the LibOCS open access course on citizen science for librarians, but also two other citizen science projects that Kaunas University of Technology is developing – the YOUCOUNT project, which focuses on empowering young people in European countries to create social innovation through citizen science, and the CS4Welfare project, which is focused on the implementation of citizen science activities in local communities.

Moments from the event

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