Strengthening the Role of Libraries for Rising Citizen Science: LibOCS shares knowledge and experience

Important | 2024-06-11

KTU Library, participating in the Erasmus+ project “University Libraries Strengthening the Link between Academia and Society through Citizen Science in the Baltic Sea Region (LibOCS)”, together with its partners, has been carrying out activities for more than two years in the Baltic region.

On 11 June, the project partners gathered for the final event “Strengthening the Role of Libraries for Rising Citizen Science: LibOCS shares knowledge and experience”, attended by public and academic library staff. Project representatives from Estonia, Latvia, Greece and Germany shared their results and valuable insights on how academic and public libraries can strengthen the links between academia and society, increase knowledge on citizen science and encourage librarians to engage in and become ambassadors of citizen science.

One of the presentations was given by Associate Professor dr Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Director of the Library of Kaunas University of Technology, and Aistė Pranckutė, Head of the Head of Research Information Services, on the competences of librarians in order to promote citizen science.

Here are some moments from the event

Event “Strengthening the Role of Libraries for Rising Citizen Science: LibOCS shares knowledge and experience”Event “Strengthening the Role of Libraries for Rising Citizen Science: LibOCS shares knowledge and experience”

LibOCS projectLibOCS project

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