Open Access Week at Kaunas University of Technology Library (23-29 October)

Important | 2023-10-17

As in every year, the last week of October will mark International Open Access Week. This year, the week aims to highlight the importance of community in the process of scholarly communication (Community over Commercialisation).

The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, adopted by 193 Member States, emphasizes the need to prioritise community over commerce, calls for the prevention of illegal profit from publicly-funded research, and encourages non-commercial and collaborative publishing models that do not involve Article Processing Charges (APC).

During this Open Access Week, members of the KTU community are invited to learn and more about open science, copyright and licensing, as well as to learn about the efforts of academic libraries to contribute to the promotion of open science and the involvement of the public in scientific research.

  • 2023-10-24 14–14.45 Introduction to Open Science (English). This is an introductory training to learn about the key elements of open science: open access publishing, open data, citizen science – what we need and why we need it as scientists, researchers, students, citizens.
    Register here.
  • 2023-10-25 14–15.30 Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing (English). The aim of the training is to provide knowledge about intellectual property and explain why it is necessary to protect it. Licensing forms a large part of the academic IPRs related to open science practice, so the training focuses on the types of open licensing, what, when and how to use them, as well as general licensing information and copyright information for creative commons in relation to current practice.
    Register here.

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