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New project „Development of Citizen Science Activities at KTU”

Important | 2024-07-19

This year Kaunas University of Technology started a project “Development of Citizen Science Activities at KTU”, funded by the EU under the “NextGenerationEU” instrument.

This project aims to develop citizen science activities to increase the involvement of Kaunas University of Technology community in citizen science projects and to promote the involvement and participation of members of the society in scientific research, and cooperation between scientists and the society in solving issues and challenges that are relevant to society. The project started in June 2024 and is scheduled to end in December 2025. Project leader – Eglė Butkevičienė, project team – Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Aistė Pranckutė, Renata Višinskaitė, Tautvilė Pocienė.

Citizen science is an increasingly popular field of research and practice where citizens and scientists collaborate to conduct research and create new knowledge. Citizen science projects are important not only for the participants themselves but also for research institutions and society as a whole, as they can have a lasting impact on promoting innovation, awareness, trust and confidence in science and scientific development. By engaging in citizen science activities, citizens can acquire practical skills, including competencies in research design and implementation, data collection, scientific problem-solving, teamwork, communication and other competencies. This can help them build their future careers in a variety of scientific fields.

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