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KTU Library organised a webinar “Unlocking Knowledge: Perspectives on Open Science”

Important | 2024-10-24

21-27 October is the International Open Access Week. This year’s theme (Community over Commercialization) continues the discussion on the importance of community in scholarly communication that started last year. It promotes the importance of strengthening the role of the community in scholarly communication, and the importance of opening up research results and research data to protect the public interest and reduce the influence of commercial publishers on the scientific community.

On 21 October, the KTU Library organised a webinar “Unlocking Knowledge: Perspectives on Open Science” to celebrate Open Access Week. The event, which attracted more than 80 researchers, PhD students and library professionals, was addressed by KTU Vice-Rector for Science Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Baltakys, with an opening speech and discussion moderated by the Library’s Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintarė Tautkevičienė.

Three guest speakers gave presentations on the topics of increasing the visibility of scientific knowledge and research data management for early career researchers. Milica Ševkušic, Project Coordinator of the EIFL Open Access Programme, in her presentation “Elevate research with Open Science practices”, presented how Open Science ensures visibility and accessibility of scientific knowledge, why it is important, and what Open Science tools are easily and simply available to early career researchers. Presentation recording

In his presentation “Research Data Management as a Good Research Practice”, Obrad Vučkovac from the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Library, University of Belgrade, shared valuable insights into the impact of good research data management on the quality of science. Presentation recording

On the activities and challenges of being a research data steward in her presentation “What is there to know about being a data steward?” was presented by Agnieszka Cybulska-Phelan from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling at the University of Warsaw. Presentation recording

Aistė Pranckutė, Head of the Research Information Services, provided a brief reminder to the KTU community about the Library’s support for researchers, training and consultations on various scientific communication issues. Presentation recording

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