Invitation to participate in a webinar on promoting citizen science in universities

Important | 2024-03-04

What is citizen science and why should it be encouraged in universities? How do universities in the Baltic countries strengthen citizen science activities? What libraries can do in the short term and what is for the medium and long term? What could help you kick-start such services? What skills are needed? What infrastructure is needed? How to form meaningful partnerships? Answers to these and many other questions can be heard at online seminars organized by the partners of the LibOCS project.

During the LibOCS project, five Baltic country partners (University of Tartu, TalTech, University of Latvia, Vytautas Magnus University, and Kaunas University of Technology) aim to strengthen citizen science activities within their institutions. One of the unique features of LibOCS is the implementation of the BESPOC* prototype model of centralized services for citizen science in the participating universities.

We invite members of the university community, library staff, and all those interested in the development and promotion of citizen science activities to choose a convenient date and participate in an online seminar-discussion. LIBER and ESCA (European Citizen Science Association) members will participate in the seminars.

During the seminar, the project partners, University Libraries, will present their experience and insights in implementing BESPOC modules in their institutions. This seminar aims to provide valuable experience to other institutions considering similar citizen science initiatives and to demonstrate the transformative impact BESPOC has on promoting scientific engagement at the university level.


Location: Zoom platform (link will be sent after filling out the registration form).

Language: English.

Duration: 90 minutes.

Presenters: representatives from the aforementioned institutions. Generous time for questions, answers and dialogue.


*BESPOC (Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact) – is a prototype of a citizen science information center aimed at higher education institutions seeking to promote citizen science activities and engage the public. The objectives and structure of BESPOC are presented in a video presentation (45 min.) by Tiberius Ignat, “Scientific Knowledge Services”, as partner at LiBOCS project.

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