Free trial to the Statista database and a webinar about it

Important | 2024-05-10

KTU community members have free trial access to the Statista database from 13 May until 3 June, 2024.

A webinar to present the database will be organised on 16th May at 12.30 p. m.
Join the webinar
ID: 337 208 498 378
Code: 7e5uzh

Statista – a statistical database offering over 1 million statistics from more than 40 000 reputable sources. The statistics are available for industries such as advertising and marketing, chemicals, construction, e-commerce, economics and politics, energy and environment, finance and insurance, pharmaceuticals and medical technology, electronics, technology and telecommunications, internet, etc. The database offers a wide range of reports and useful insights. Instructions on how to access to the database from home.

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