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EBSCO Online Sessions in March

Important | 2025-03-05

Library staff and members of the university community are invited to participate in EBSCO training sessions (in English).

Topics and registration:

  • Discover the world of literature with LitBase
    LitBase is a database of selected critical texts on literature. It supports research on the most studied authors, poetry, fiction, plays and non-fiction works worldwide. Take part in the training and learn in detail about the content of the database and how to search within the resources.
    Time and date: 13 March (Thursday) | 12:30 p.m.
  • Introduction to CINAHL Ultimate: nursing knowledge at the highest level
    The session consists of two parts. At the beginning, we will provide a brief overview of CINAHL Ultimate, giving participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the content available in the database. Then, we will move to the EBSCOhost platform, where we will explore the search options using several examples.
    Time and date: 18 March (Tuesday) | 11:00 a.m.
  • EBSCOhost in a NEW version!
    During the session, we will review the new interface of the EBSCOhost platform, which allows searching in subscribed EBSCO databases. Our user experience team has spent years observing students and the challenges they face when using library interfaces. The result is a new EBSCOhost interface to meet ever-changing user expectations.
    Time and date: 19 March (Wednesday) | 12:30 p.m.
  • Searching for world’s applied life sciences literature with CAB Abstracts with Full Text
    CAB Abstracts with Full Text is a bibliographic abstracting and indexing database that provides you with full text access to over 1,200 active journals. The database covers a wide range of subjects from agriculture, the environment, and veterinary sciences, to applied economics, leisure/tourism, and nutrition. Join this session to learn more about the content and see some search examples based on the EBSCOhost platform.
    Time and date: 25 March (Tuesday) | 12:00 p.m.

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