Workshop with the KTU community about the University’s initiatives for the Ukrainian people

Important | 2023-04-17

A workshop on” Empowering the University Community for Social Action in Times of Crisis in Ukraine ” was held at Kaunas University of Technology Library on 6th of April. The event was organized in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Supporting Ukraine through Citizen Engagement in Baltic Universities”, which started on 1 February 2023 and will continue until 1 February 2025.

The seminar-discussion was opened by Dr. Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Director of the University Library, and Aistė Pranckutė, Project Specialist. The aim of the event was presented – to initiate a discussion between the University staff and students on how the University can help Ukrainians who have come to Lithuania as a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, as well as to discuss the steps to be taken in order to help the people who have stayed behind in Ukraine.

In the discussion took part 31 participants representing various groups of the University community: administrative staff, library staff, lecturers, researchers, representatives of student organizations, Ukrainian students studying and researchers caring research at the University.

The discussion, using a world café format, focused on five themes: educational, cultural, general needs (accommodation, financial, legal and psychological support) of Ukrainian war refugees, research support, support of the remaining Ukrainian population. The participants were divided into groups and had a chance to express their views on the different ways in which the University supports or could support the Ukrainian community.

In the workshop were discussed the successful experiences already applied in the University, as well as ideas and opportunities for improvement. The event focused on helping Ukrainian refugees, enabling students to continue or start their studies at the University. Activities to help Ukrainians living in Lithuania overcome language and multicultural barriers were discussed. In addition, ways to contribute to the organization of non-formal education for Ukrainian adults and children were also explored.

The participants of the workshop discussed not only educational issues, but also the University’s contribution to the preservation and promotion of Ukrainian culture. It also touched upon general issues of support to the Ukrainian community, discussing practical actions, what the University community is doing and/or can do to improve the lives and livelihoods of Ukrainians, and what initiatives the University could provide for the basic needs of Ukrainian people. The discussion highlighted the need for psychological support and legal aid for the Ukrainian people.

It also included questions about the involvement of Ukrainian scientists in research at the University, assistance to Ukrainian scientists conducting research in Lithuania or their possibilities to contribute to joint research through the creation of virtual research networks. Opportunities to initiate and carry out research aimed at rebuilding the Ukrainian economy and helping the population return to normal life were discussed.

Involving a wide range of stakeholders with different backgrounds and perspectives, the discussions helped to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the problems faced by the Ukrainian community in Lithuania.

The event had a significant impact as it identified problem areas, participants suggested good practices and opportunities to move forward with joint activities. The discussions helped to identify the main issues to be addressed in the project.

Similar workshops in support of Ukrainian war refugees have already taken place Lviv Polytechnic National University, Tallinn University and the University of Tartu. A workshop at the University of Latvia is planned in the near future. Discussions with business organizations are also on the agenda. The results and insights of the discussions at the project partner institutions will be accessible on the project website to ensure wider dissemination of the information and insights shared at the event.

During the next two years of the Baltics4UA project, a wide range of activities will be initiated to integrate Ukrainian war refugees in the most effective way. Good practices in citizen engagement are being developed through cooperation activities between Baltic universities to help them cope with the challenges of the crisis.

A few moments from the workshop

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