Clarivate „Web of Science“ webinars

Important | 2021-03-18

We kindly invite to participate and register to Clarivate „Web of Science“ organized webinars.

  • Web of Science data integration. Join our webinar to learn from our experts how you can power and enrich your institution’s analysis and assessment capabilities. Find out all about the Web of Science metadata from XML & APIs, Custom Data, and VIVO integration that can support your research output management system.
    Data: 24th MARCH
    Time: 17.30-18.15
    Register with your institutional email

  • Every researcher needs to showcase their work. Want to raise your profile for promotion, tenure and funding applications? Join our webinar to learn how to build your online researcher identity, showcase your work and demonstrate your scholarly impact to get noticed by evaluators.
    Data / Time: 30th MARCH 12.00 h.| 31st MARCH 19.00 h.
    Register with your institutional email 


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